





Plant Soil期刊编委(Consulting Editor);热区石漠化山地绿色高效农业科技创新联盟理事;Journal of Cleaner ProductionScience of the Total EnvironmentPlant SoilNutrient Cycling in AgroecosystemsSoil Research等期刊审稿人。


    2008/09-2012/07    山东农业大学                                            草业科学 学士

    2012/09-2017/06    中国科学院大学(沈阳应用生态所)               土壤学    博士

    2015/10-2016/10    新西兰林肯大学                                         土壤学    联合培养博士


2017.07-至今          bat365在线官网登录                          首聘副教授















(1)   Tian Jihui#*, Kuang Xizhi#, Tang Mengtian#, Chen Xiaodong, Huang Fei, Cai Yixia, Cai Kunzheng*. Biochar application under low phosphorus input promotes soil organic phosphorus mineralization by shifting bacterial phoD gene community composition. Science of The Total Environment 2021; 779: 146556 (环境科学与生态学2区,IF: 6.551)

(2)   Tian Jihui, Rao Shuang, Gao Yang, Lu Yang, Cai Kunzheng*.Wheat straw biochar amendment suppresses tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum: Potential effects of rhizosphere organic acids and amino acids.Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2021, 19(0): 2–14 (农林科学2区,IF: 1.984)

(3)   Tian Jihui, Tang Mengtian, Xu Xia, Luo Shasha, Condron Leo M, Lambers Hans, Cai Kunzheng, Wang Jianwu*. Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merrill) intercropping with reduced nitrogen input influences rhizosphere phosphorus dynamics and phosphorus acquisition of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Biology and Fertility of Soils 2020, 56: 1063-1075 (农林科学1区,IF: 5.521)

(4)   Tian Jihui#, Lu Xing#, Chen Qianqian, Kuang Xizhi, Liang Cuiyue*, Deng Lansheng, Lin Dongjiao, Cai Kunzheng, Tian Jiang*. Phosphorus fertilization affects soybean rhizosphere phosphorus dynamics and the bacterial community in karst soils. Plant and Soil 2020 (农林科学1区,IF: 3.299)

(5)   Tian Jihui*, Boitt Gustavo, Black Amanda, Wakelin Steve, Chen Lijun, Cai Kunzheng, Condron Leo. Mass balance assessment of phosphorus dynamics in a fertilizer trial with 57 years of superphosphate application under irrigated grazed pasture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 2019; 114: 33-44 (农林科学2区,IF: 2.45)

(6)   Tian Jihui*, Boitt Gustavo, Black Amanda, Wakelin Steve, Condron Leo M, Chen Lijun. Accumulation and distribution of phosphorus in the soil profile under fertilized grazed pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2017a; 239: 228-235.(农林科学1区,IF: 4.241)

(7)   Tian Jihui, Wei Kai, Condron Leo M, Chen Zhenhua, Xu Zhuwen, Feng Jiao, Chen Lijun*. Effects of elevated nitrogen and precipitation on soil organic nitrogen fractions and nitrogen-mineralizing enzymes in semi-arid steppe and abandoned cropland. Plant and Soil 2017, 417: 217–229. (农林科学1区,IF:3.299)

(8)   Tian Jihui, Wei Kai, Condron Leo M, Chen Zhenhua, Xu Zhuwen, Chen Lijun*. Impact of land use and nutrient addition on phosphatase activities and their relationships with organic phosphorus turnover in semi-arid grassland soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2016: 1-9.(农林科学1区,IF: 5.521)

(9)   Wei Kai, Chen Zhenhua, Jiang Nan, Zhang Yulan, Feng Jiao, Tian Jihui, Chen Xiaodong, Lou Chunrong, Chen Lijun*. Effects of mineral phosphorus fertilizer reduction and maize straw incorporation on soil phosphorus availability, acid phosphatase activity, and maize grain yield in northeast China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 2021.(农林科学2区,IF: 2.135)

(10)Feng Jiao, Wei Kai, Chen Zhenhua, Lu Xing, Tian Jihui, Wang Chao, Chen Lijun*. Coupling and decoupling of soil carbon and nutrient cycles across an aridity gradient in the drylands of northern China: Evidence from ecoenzymatic stoichiometry. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2019; 33: 559-569.(地学1区,IF: 4.608)

(11)Gao Yang, Lu Yang, Lin Weipeng, Tian Jihui, Cai Kunzheng*. Biochar suppresses bacterial wilt of tomato by improving soil chemical properties and shifting soil microbial community. Microorganisms 2019; 7: 676.(生物2区,IF: 4.152)

(12)Boitt Gustavo*, Simpson Zachary P, Tian Jihui, Black Aanda, Wakelin Steve A, Condron Leo M. Plant biomass management impacts on short-term soil phosphorus dynamics in a temperate grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2018; 54: 397-409. (农林科学1区,IF: 5.521)

(13)Boitt Gustavo*, Tian Jihui, Black Aanda, Wakelin Steve A, Condron Leo M. Effects of long-term irrigation on soil phosphorus under temperate grazed pasture. European Journal of Soil Science 2018, 69: 85-102.(农林科学2区,IF: 3.742)

(14)Huang Fei*, Wang Zehuang, Cai Yixia, Chen Shaohua, Tian Jihui, Cai Kunzheng*. Heavy metal bioaccumulation and cation release by growing Bacillus cereus RC-1 under culture conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018; 157: 216-226.(环境科学与生态学2区,IF: 4.872)

(15)Wei Kai, Sun Tao, Tian Jihui, Chen Zhenhua, Chen Lijun*. Soil microbial biomass, phosphatase and their relationships with phosphorus turnover under mixed inorganic and organic nitrogen addition in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 2018, 422: 313-322.(农林科学2区,IF: 3.17)

(16)Chen Xiaodong, Jiang Nan, Chen Zhenhua, Tian Jihui, Sun Nan, Xu Minggang, Chen Lijun*. Response of soil phoD phosphatase gene to long-term combined applications of chemical fertilizers and organic materials. Applied Soil Ecology 2017; 119: 197-204. (农林科学2区,IF: 3.187)

(17)Feng Jiao, Turner Benjamin L, Lv Xiaotao, Chen Zhenhua, Wei Kai, Tian Jihui, Wang Chao, Luo Wentao, Chen Lijun*. Phosphorus transformations along a large-scale climosequence in arid and semiarid grasslands of northern China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2016; 30: 1264-1275.(地学1区,IF: 4.608)

(18)Jiang Nan#*, Li Yang#, Zheng Chenggang, Chen Lijun, Wei Kai, Feng Jiao, Tian Jihui. Characteristic microbial communities in the continuous permafrost beside the bitumen in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences 2015; 74: 1343-1352.(环境科学与生态学4区,IF: 2.18)

(19)蔡昆争*, 高阳, 田纪辉. 生物炭介导植物病害抗性及作用机理. 生态学报 2018, 29: 2470-2476.

(20)柳瑞, Abdul H, 李恩琳, 蒙嘉琳, 田纪辉, 蔡昆争*. 减氮配施稻秆生物炭对稻田土壤养分及植株氮素吸收的影响. 应用生态学报 2020a; 31: 2381-2389.

(21)柳瑞, 高阳, 李恩琳, 田纪辉, 蔡昆争*. 减氮配施生物炭对水稻生长发育、干物质积累及产量的影响. 生态环境学报 2020; 29: 926-932.

(22)李焕茹, 朱莹, 田纪辉, 魏锴, 陈振华, 陈利军*. 碳氮添加对草地土壤有机碳氮磷含量及相关酶活性的影响. 应用生态学报 2018; 29: 2470-2476.

(23)伍朝荣, 林威鹏, 黄飞, 蔡一霞, 田纪辉, 吕顺,Joji Muramoto, Carol Shennan, 蔡昆争*. 土壤厌氧消毒对青枯病的控制及土壤细菌群落结构的影响. 土壤学报 2018; 55: 987-998.


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