

秦钟,女,副教授,硕士生导师。1996年获得南京气象学院(现南京信息工程大学)学士学位,2005年获浙江大学生态学专业博士学位,同年于学院生态学系任教。20116月至20128月在美国Cornell University访学(单位公派); 20163月至20173月在国家留学基金委的资助下,在美国University of California, Riverside访学。主要从事生态系统分析与模拟、生态经济方面的研究,承担《生态统计学》、《生态学系统分析方法》(研)等课程的教学。




[1]      Qin, Z., Zhang, J. E., Jiang, Y., Wang, R., Wu, R. S. Predicting the potential distribution of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in China using ensemble models. Plant Pathology, 2019, 120-131.

[2]      Qin Z, Zhang J E, Jiang Y P, et al. Invasion process and potential spread of Amaranthus retroflexus in China. Weed research, 2018, 58(1): 57-67

[3]      Qin Z, Zhang J E, DiTommaso A, Wang R L, Liang K M. Predicting the potential distribution of Lantana camara L. under RCP scenarios using ISI-MIP models[J]. Climatic Change, 2016, 134(1-2): 193-208

[4]      Qin Z, Zhang J, DiTommaso A, et al. Predicting invasions of Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. with Maxent and GARP models[J]. Journal of plant research, 2015, 128(5): 763-775

[5]Z. Qin, A. DiTommaso, R. S. Wu and H. Y. Huang, Potential distribution of two Ambrosia species in China under projected climate change.Weed Research 2014, 54, 520-531

[6]      Antonio DiTommaso,Qin Zhong, David R.Clements. Identifying Climate Change as a Factor in the Establishment and Persistence of Invasive Weeds in Agricultural Crops. L.H. Ziska & J.S. Dukes (eds).Invasive Species and Climate Change, CABI Publishing, 2014


[7]      Qin, ZWu, RSZhang, JDeng, ZXZhang, CXGuo, JSurvivorship of geographic Pomacea canaliculata populations in responses to cold acclimationEcol Evol2020001– 12.

[8]      Qin, Z., Xie, J. F., Quan, G. M., Zhang, J. E., Mao, D. J., & Wang, J. X. Changes in the soil meso‐and micro‐fauna community under the impacts of exotic Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Ecological Research, 2019, 34(2): 265-276

[9]      Qin Zhong, Xie, Jun Fang., Quan, Guo Ming, Zhang, Jia-En, Mao Dan Juan, Antonio DiTommaso. Impacts of the invasive annual herb Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. on soil microbial carbon source utilization and enzymatic activities. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2014, 60: 58-66.

[10]   Antonio DiTommaso,Qin Zhong, David R.Clements. Identifying Climate Change as a Factor in the Establishment and Persistence of Invasive Weeds in Agricultural Crops. L.H. Ziska & J.S. Dukes (eds).Invasive Species and Climate Change, CABI Publishing, 2014

[11]   Zhong Qin, DanJuan Mao, GuoMing Quan, Jia-En Zhang, JunFang Xie, and Antonio DiTommaso. Antioxidant response of the invasive herb Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. to different irradiance levels.Phytoprotection, 2013, 93(1):8-15

[12]   Zhong Qin, Dan Juan Mao, Guo Ming Quan, Jia-en Zhang, Jun Fang Xie,and Antonio DiTommaso. Physiological and morphological responses of invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) to different irradiances. Botany, 2012,90(12):1284-1294.


[13]   Zhong Q, Benliang Z, Jia-en Z, et al. Study on Diversity of Arthropod Community in a Rice-Duck Integrated Farming System in South China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2011, 2(2): 151-157.

[14]   Zhong Qin, Gao-li Su, Jia-en Zhang,Ying Ouyang, Qiang Yu .Identification of important factors for water vapor flux and CO2 exchange in a cropland. Ecological Modelling,2010,221(4):575-581.

[15]   Zhong Qin, Ying Ouyang, Gao-li Su, Qiang Yu, Jun Li, Jia-en Zhang, Zhi-yi Wu. Characterization of CO2 and water vapor fluxes in a summer maize field with wavelet analysis. Ecological informatics, 2008, 3(6):397-409.

[16]   Qin Zhong, Su Gaoli, Yu Qiang, Hu Bing-min, Li Jun. Modeling water and carbon fluxes above summer maize field in North China Plain with back-propagation neural networks. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2005,6B(5): 418-426.

[17]   Qin Zhong, Yu Qiang, Hu Bing-min, Li Jun. Application of least squares vector machines in modeling water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes over a cropland. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2005, 6B(6):491-495.

[18]   Qin Zhong, Yu Qiang, Xu Shouhua , Hu Binbmin, Sun Xiaomin, Liu Enmin, Wang Jishun, Yu Guirui , Zhu Zhilin. Water, heat fluxes and water use efficiency measurement and modeling above a farmland in the North China Plain. Science in China (Series D), 2004,34:183-192.

[19]   秦钟,章家恩,骆世明,张锦.稻鸭共作系统中稻纵卷叶螟种群控制的模拟.农业工程学报,2010,26 (11):283-289.




[23]秦钟,章家恩,,张锦,骆世明. 稻鸭共作系统中主要捕食性天敌的生态位. 中国农业科学,2012,3:452-459




[27]秦钟,章家恩,骆世明,徐华勤,.稻鸭共作系统生态服务功能价值的评估研究.资源科学,2010,32(5): 864-872



[28]     秦钟,隆少秋,王璐,张春霞,袁兰.基于系统动力学的东莞有机废弃物替代化肥潜力研究[J].农业工程学报,2019,35(11):223-232.

[29]秦钟, 章家恩, 李逸勉, .中国南方籼稻生产区的化肥利用效率及脱钩研究. 农业现代化研究, 2013, 34(005): 602-607.


[31]秦 钟,章家恩,李 韵,李逸勉.广东省水稻生产的变动与比较优势分析.农业现代化研究, 2011,32(5):560-564

[32]秦钟,章家恩,骆世明,张锦.基于DEA 时间窗分析的广东省农业生产效率评价.中国生态农业学报,2011, 19(6):1-7

[33]秦钟,王建武,章家恩, 骆世明,.广东省循环经济发展的生态效率研究.中国生态农业学报,2010,18(2): 428433

[34]秦钟,王建武,章家恩,.广东省农业循环经济发展的DEA分析与有效性评价.自然资源学报, 2010,25(6): 908-913



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