

性别:男 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 办公电话:18578759652 办公地址:资环楼731A室


2012/09-2017/10,美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),环境科学,博士,导师:Weilin Huang(黄伟林教授)(国家高水平大学建设公派研究生、硕博连读)
2010/09-2012/05,美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),环境科学,学士(2+2联合培养)


2017/11-至今,学院 bat365在线官网登录 环境科学与工程系,副教授
2016/09-2017/06,美国罗格斯大学 环境学院,助教
2013/06-2015/06,美国罗格斯大学 环境学院,评分助教


主要从事纳米颗粒环境迁移、污染修复以及暴露风险等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金2项、广东省自然科学基金2项、广州市基础研究项目、新泽西州水资源研究所科研基金等项目。入选广东省珠江人才计划引进创新创业(青年)团队、广州市科学技术协会青年人才托举工程、学院高层次引进人才。自2017年发表论文52篇,其中以(共同)第一或通讯作者发表论文30篇,包括中科院一区13篇、二区7篇,发表在Environmental Science & Technology(3篇,2篇封面)、Water Research(5篇)、Chemical Engineering Journal(2篇)、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environment International等领域权威学术期刊。曾获国家建设高水平大学公派博士留学基金资助、新泽西州John J. Lagrosa Award、罗格斯大学Summa Cum Laude Award等奖项。在国内外学术会议作口头报告十余次。担任Biochar、Carbon Research、Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology和生态环境学报青年编委、Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry客座编委以及Eco-Environment & Health青年(预备)编委,担任二十个期刊审稿人。主讲与合讲《水污染物化处理工程(全英)》、《环境工程专业英语(全英)》、《水污染控制工程(双语)》、《大气科学(双语)》、《纳米科技与生活(公选)》、《英文科技论文阅读与写作(研究生)》及《农业面源污染与生态治理技术》等本科生与研究生课程。


1. 青年编委,Biochar期刊,2021/12/1-2025/12/1

2. 青年编委,Carbon Research期刊,2022/1/1-2025/12/31

3. 青年编委,生态环境学报期刊,2022/1/1-2026/12/31

4. 青年(预备)编委,Eco-Environment & Health(EEH)期刊;

5. 青年(预备)编委,Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (RECT)期刊;

6. 专刊编委,Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry2022/12/29-2023/6/2

7. 期刊审稿人,Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironment InternationalBiocharCarbonJournal of Cleaner ProductionEnvironmental Science-NanoEnvironmental PollutionReviews of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyScience of the Total Environment、Environmental Science Processes & ImpactsEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research、CLEAN-Soil, Air, WaterJournal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and MaterialsWater SupplyBiologiaScience ProgressACS ES&T Water等期刊。

8. 会员,American Chemical Society

9. 会员,中国化学会;

10. 会员,广东省环境科学学会;

11. 会员,广州市青年科技工作者协会;

12. 环境科学技术顾问,广州小虫侠生物科技有限公司。







1.       学院2020-2022年度“优秀班主任”;

2.        学院2021-2022学年“青年教师教学优秀奖”,二等奖;

3.        学院2021-2022年度“优秀本科生班主任”,;

4.        2022年度青年创新创业交流会暨“青托项目”评审结题会,优秀报告奖,;

5.        学院2020-2021年度“优秀本科生班主任”;

6.        第九届全国农业环境科学学术研讨会,优秀志愿者;

7.        学院2020年度教学类先进工作者;

8.        bat365在线官网登录“2020届优秀本科毕业生导师”;

9.        学院2019-2020年度“优秀本科生班主任”;

10.    学院2019年度先进工作者;

11.    学院第五届教师教学基本功比赛,一等奖;

12.    Journal of Cleaner Production,优秀审稿人;

13.    美国罗格斯大学助教奖学金;

14.    国家高水平大学公派博士,国家留学基金管理委员会(CSC);

15.    John J. Lagrosa Award,New Jersey Water Environment Association (新泽西水环境协会);

16.    Summa Cum Laude Award,罗格斯大学,最高荣誉学位;

17.    Student of the Year Award,罗格斯大学环境学院;

Dean’s List,罗格斯大学环境学院。


1.        国家自然科学基金-面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,2024/01-2027/12,在研、主持;

2.        2023教育专项“冲补强”高水平大学建设-科创和社会服务提质增效项目,学院,2023/7-2024/7,在研、主持;

3.        广东省自然科学基金-青年提升项目,广东省科学技术厅,2023/01-2025/12,在研、主持;

4.        广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类),广州市科学技术局,2022/04-2024/03,在研、主持;

5.        广东省农业农村污染治理与环境安全重点实验室开放基金,广东省科技计划项目,广东省科学技术厅,2022/01-2023/12,在研、主持;

6.        国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,2019/01-2021/12,结题、主持;

7.        广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,广东省科学技术厅,2021/01-2023/12,在研、主持;

8.        广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队(青年团队)项目,广东省科学技术厅,2020/04-2025/04,在研、核心成员。

9.        青年人才托举工程项目,广州市科学技术协会,2020/01-2021/12,结题(获评优秀)、主持;

10.    技术服务,农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站,2020/03-2020/12,结题、主持;

11.    广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目,2018/01-2019/12,结题、主持;

12.    学院高层次人才引进青年才俊项目,2018/01-2022/12,结题、主持;

13.    FY 2014 Grants Program,新泽西州水资源研究所(New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute)科研基金项目,2014/03-2016/03,结题、主持;



1.        Jiana Su, Jiahui Ruan, Dan Luo, Jinjin Wang, Zhujian Huang, Xingjian Yang, Yulong Zhang, Qiaoyun Zeng, Yongtao Li, Weilin Huang, Lihua Cui*, Chengyu Chen*. Differential Photoaging Effects on Colored Nanoplastics in Aquatic Environments: Physicochemical Properties and Aggregation Kinetics. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 10.1021/acs.est.3c04808. (封面文章, 中科院一区, 当年IF=11.4)

2.        Jing Li, Jiawei Dong, Yanshan Huang, Jiana Su, Yu Xie, Yundang Wu, Wei Tang, Yongtao Li, Weilin Huang, Chengyu Chen*. Aggregation kinetics of TiO2 nanoparticles in human and artificial sweat solutions: Effects of particle property and sweat constituents. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 23, 17153-17165. (封面文章, 中科院一区, 当年IF=11.357)

3.        Chengyu Chen, Weilin Huang*. Aggregation kinetics of diesel soot nanoparticles in wet environments. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(4), 2077-2086. (中科院一区, 当年IF=6.653)

4.        Zhihui Duan, Ping Wang, Guangwei Yu, Miaoting Liang, Jiawei Dong, Jiana Su, Weilin Huang, Yongtao Li, Aiqian Zhang, Chengyu Chen*. Aggregation kinetics of UV-aged soot nanoparticles in wet environments: Effects of irradiation time and background solution chemistry. Water Research, 2021, 201, 117385. (中科院一区, 当年IF=13.4)

5.        Zhiwei Shao, Shijie Luo, Miaoting Liang, Zengping Ning, Weimin Sun, Yujing Zhu, Juncheng Mo, Yongtao Li, Weilin Huang, Chengyu Chen*. Colloidal stability of nanosized activated carbon in aquatic systems: Effects of pH, electrolytes, and macromolecules. Water Research, 2021, 203, 117561. (中科院一区, 当年IF=13.4)

6.        Yanjun Liu, Ziqing Huang, Jini Zhou, Jie Tang, Chen Yang*, Chengyu Chen*, Weilin Huang, Zhi Dang. Influence of environmental and biological macromolecules on aggregation kinetics of nanoplastics in aquatic systems. Water Research, 2020, 186, 116316. (中科院一区, 当年IF=11.236)

7.        Yanjun Liu, Yiben Hu, Chen Yang*, Chengyu Chen*, Weilin Huang, Zhi Dang. Aggregation kinetics of UV irradiated nanoplastics in aquatic environments. Water Research, 2019, 163, 114870. (中科院一区, 当年IF=9.13)

8.        Ziqing Huang#, Chengyu Chen#, Yanjun Liu, Sijia Liu, Dehua Zeng, Zhi Dang, Chen Yang*, Weilin Huang. Influence of protein configuration on aggregation kinetics of nanoplastics in aquatic environment. Water Research, 2022, 219, 118522. (中科院一区, 当年IF=13.4)

9.        Zhiwei Shao, Jiana Su, Jiawei Dong, Miaoting Liang, Jie Xiao, Jindie Liu, Qiaoyun Zeng, Yongtao Li, Weilin Huang, Chengyu Chen*. Aggregation kinetics of nanoplastics in gastric environments: Effects of plastic property, solution condition, and gastric constituent. Environment International, 2022, 170, 107628. (中科院一区, 当年IF=13.352)

10.    Jing Li, Xingjian Yang, Zhen Zhang, Harry Xiao, Weimin Sun, Weilin Huang, Yongtao Li, Chengyu Chen*, Yan Sun. Aggregation kinetics of diesel soot nanoparticles in artificial and human sweat solutions: Effects of sweat constituents, pH, and temperature. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403, 123614. (中科院一区, 当年IF=14.224)

11.    Zhihui Duan#, Wanhui Zhang#, Muwen Lu, Zhiwei Shao, Weilin Huang, Jing Li, Yanan Li, Juncheng Mo, Yongtao Li*, Chengyu Chen*. Magnetic Fe3O4/activated carbon for combined adsorption and Fenton oxidation of 4-chlorophenol. Carbon, 2020, 167, 351-363. (中科院一区, 当年IF=9.594)

12.    Chengyu Chen, Xinhua Geng, and Weilin Huang*. Adsorption of 4-chlorophenol and aniline by nanosized activated carbons. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 327, 941-952. (中科院一区, 当年IF=6.735)

13.    Chengyu Chen, Weilin Huang*. Aggregation kinetics of nanosized activated carbons in aquatic environments. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313, 882-889. (中科院一区, 当年IF=6.735)

14.    Chengyu Chen, Jingyue Wei, Jing Li, Zhihui Duan, and Weilin Huang*. Influence of macromolecules on aggregation kinetics of diesel soot nanoparticles in aquatic environments. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 252 (B), 1892-1901. (中科院二区, 当年IF=6.793)

15.    Xiaoyi Huang, Chengyu Chen*, Qiaoyun Zeng*, Dan Ding, Jingyi Gu, Juncheng Mo. Field study on loss of tetracycline antibiotics from manure-applied soil and their risk assessment in regional water environment of Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 827, 154273. (中科院二区, 当年IF=10.753)

16.    Jingyi Gu#, Chengyu Chen#, Xiaoyi Huang, Juncheng Mo, Qilai Xie*, Qiaoyun Zeng*. Occurrence and risk assessment of tetracycline antibiotics in soils and vegetables from vegetable fields in Pearl River Delta, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 776, 145959. (中科院二区, 当年IF=10.753)

17.    Yaping Sun, Pincheng Zhou, Nan Zhang, Ze Zhang, Qingwei Guo, Chengyu Chen*, Lihua Cui*. Effects of matrix modification and bacteria amendment on the treatment efficiency of municipal tailwater pollutants by modified vertical flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 281, 111920. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.91)

18.    Jiayu Huang#, Guangyuan Dong#, Miaoting Liang#, Xidong Wu, Mingjian Xian, Yunsong An, Jiandong Zhan, Lingling Xu, Jindong Xu, Weimin Sun, Shaohua Chen, Chengyu Chen*,Tao Liu*. Toxicity of micro(nano)plastics with different size and surface charge on human nasal epithelial cells and rats via intranasal exposure. Chemosphere, 2022, 307, 136093. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.943)

19.    Jia-cheng Xu, Li-min Huang, Chengyu Chen*, Jing Wang, and Xin-xian Long*. Effective lead immobilization by phosphate rock solubilization mediated by phosphate rock amendment and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Chemosphere, 2019, 237, 124540. (中科院二区, 当年IF=5.778)

20.    Jia-cheng Xu, Qiang Ma, Chengyu Chen*, Qi-tang Wu, Xin-xian Long*. Cadmium adsorption behavior of porous and reduced graphene oxide and its potential for promoting cadmium migration during soil electrokinetic remediation. Chemosphere, 2020, 259, 127441. (中科院二区, 当年IF=7.086)

21.    Ziying Chen, Junhong Liu, Chengyu Chen*, Zhujian Huang*. Sedimentation of nanoplastics from water with Ca/Al dual flocculants: Characterization, interface reaction, effects of pH and ion ratios. Chemosphere, 2020, 252: 126450. (中科院二区, 当年IF=7.086)

22.    Xiyang Liu, Gaoxiang Li, Chengyu Chen*, Xiaorui Zhang, Kuan Zhou, Xinxian Long*. Banana stem and leaf biochar as an effective adsorbent for cadmium and lead in aqueous solution. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12: 1584. (中科院三区, 当年IF=4.996)

23.    Yixuan Li, Chengyu Chen*. Evaluation of the Spatial Disparities in the Youth Suitability of Shenzhen Public Primary School Campuses. Buildings, 2023, 13(5), 1306. (中科院三区, 当年IF=3.324)

24.    Xiyang Liu, Chengyu Chen*, Jing Wang, Shuhua Zou, Xinxian Long*. Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis and Pantoea ananatis simultaneously promote soil inorganic phosphate dissolution and soil Pb immobilization. Rhizosphere, 2021, 20, 100448. (中科院四区, 当年IF=3.437)

25.    Ya-nan Li, Jing Li, Zhiwei Shao, Zhihui Duan, Yu Xie, Zhitai Cui, Jinyuan Li, Haoyi Zhou, Mengjie Chen, Sicheng Li, Chengyu Chen*. Quantitative analysis of 209 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in sediments of the Raritan River estuary, USA. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2020, 20 (6): 2400–2414. (中科院四区, 当年IF=1.033)

26.    Ya-nan Li, Zhihui Duan, Jing Li, Zhiwei Shao, Juncheng Mo, Junhui Wu, Shuyi Ling, Zhuoheng Liu, Chengyu Chen*. Quantitative analysis of trace metals in the Raritan River with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2020, 20 (8): 3183–3193. (中科院四区, 当年IF=1.033)

27.    Chengyu Chen*. Phosphorus speciation in the Pearl River estuary of south China. Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies, 2018, 3(5), 1-4.

28.    莫竣程,邵志伟,梁妙婷,黄燕珊,李永涛,居学海*,陈澄宇*,我国农田氨磷流失监测现状与在线监测标准化方法。江苏农业科学,2023. (当年IF=1.518)

29.    姚炜栋,陈澄宇*. 水体中碘131的去除. 广州化工, 2020, 48 (10).

30.    陈澄宇,张焕晓. 非承压含水层以上溶剂混合物(PCE、TCE、1,1-二氯乙烯和氯乙烯)的溢流迁移与扩散模型模拟. 建筑学研究前沿, 2018, 20.

31.    Linfa Fang, Chengyu Chen, Fen Zhang, Esmat F. Ali, Binoy Sarkar, Jörg Rinklebe, Sabry M. Shaheen*, Xinping Chen*, Ran Xiao*. Occurrence profiling and environmental risk assessment of veterinary antibiotics in vegetable soils at Chongqing region, China. Environmental Research, 2023, 227, 115799. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.431)

32.    Linfa Fang, Chengyu Chen, ShiYang Li, Pingping Ye, Yujia Shi, Gaurav Sharma, Binoy Sarkar, Sabry M. Shaheen*, Sang Soo Lee*, Ran Xiao*, Xinping Chen. A comprehensive and global evaluation of residual antibiotics in agricultural soils: Accumulation, potential ecological risks, and attenuation strategies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 262, 115175. (中科院二区, 当年IF=7.129)

33.    Rui Xu, Max Kolton, Wan Tao, Xiaoxu Sun, Pingzhou Su, Duanyi Huang, Miaomiao Zhang, Zhaohui Yang, Zhaohui Guo, Hanbing Gao, Qi Wang, Baoqin Li, Chengyu Chen, Weimin Sun*. Anaerobic selenite-reducing bacteria and their metabolic potentials in Se-rich sediment revealed by the combination of DNA-stable isotope probing, metagenomic binning, and metatranscriptomics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 131834. (中科院一区, 当年IF=14.224)

34.    Muwen Lu*, Chengyu Chen, Jie Xiao, Yaqi Lan, Yong Cao, Qingrong Huang, Chi-Tang Ho*. Health benefits of bioactive components in pungent spices mediated via the involvement of TRPV1 channel. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 129, 266-282. (中科院一区, IF=16.002)

35.    Ziying Chen, Chengyu Chen, Xuewen Luo, Junhong Liu, Zhujian Huang*. Flocculation of polystyrene nanoplastics in water using Mg/Al layered double hydroxides via heteroaggregation. Applied Clay Science, 2021, 213, 106264. (中科院二区, 当年IF=5.907)

36.    Muwen Lu, Chengyu Chen, Yaqi Lan, Jie Xiao, Run Li, Junqing Huang, Qingrong Huang, Yong Cao*, Chi-Tang Ho*. Capsaicin-the major bioactive ingredient of chili peppers: Bio-efficacy and delivery systems. Food & Function, 2020, 11, 2848-2860. (中科院一区, 当年IF=5.396)

37.    Wanxia Liang, Yaqi Lan, Chengyu Chen, Mingyue Song, Jie Xiao, Qingrong Huang, Yong Cao, Chi-Tang Ho*, Muwen Lu*. Modulating effects of capsaicin on glucose homeostasis and the underlying mechanism. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021, (中科院一区, 当年IF=11.208)

38.    Run Li, Yaqi Lan, Chengyu Chen, Yong Cao, Qingrong Huang, Chi-Tang Ho*, Muwen Lu*. Anti-obesity effect of capsaicin and the underlying mechanisms: A review. Food & Function, 2020, 11(9):7356-7370. (中科院一区, 当年IF=5.396)

39.    Guowan Li, Zhujian Huang,Chengyu Chen, Hongcan Cui, Yijuan Su, Yang Yang, Lihua Cui*. Simultaneous adsorption of trace sulfamethoxazole and hexavalent chromium by biochar/MgAl layered double hydroxide composites. Environmental Chemistry, 2018, 16: 68-79. (中科院三区, 当年IF=2.193)

40.    丁丹,黄晓依,顾静仪,陈澄宇,龙新宪,曾巧云*. 畜禽粪肥还田四环素类抗生素(TCs)在土壤-蔬菜系统的分布特征及风险评估. 环境科学, 2022, 44 (8). (EI, 当年IF=1.91)

41.    Feifan Zeng, Zheng Zuo, Juncheng Mo, Chengyu Chen, Xingjian Yang, Jinjin Wang, Yi Wang, Zhongqiu Zhao, Tianyi Chen, Yongtao Li*, Zhen Zhang*, Zheng Hu, Huijuan Xu. Runoff Losses in Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Paddy and Maize Cropping Systems: A Field Study in Dongjiang Basin, South China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12, (中科院二区, 当年IF=6.627)

42.    Li Wang, Yixin Lu, Chen Yang*, Chengyu Chen, Weilin Huang, Zhi Dang. Effects of Cd(II) on the stability of humic acid-coated nano-TiO2 particles in aquatic environments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(29): 23144–23152. (中科院三区, 当年IF=2.8)

43.    Minxian Shen, Zhujian Huang*, Xuewen Luo, Yujia Ma, Chengyu Chen, Xian Chen, Lihua Cui. Activation of persulfate for tetracycline degradation using the catalyst regenerated from Fenton sludge containing heavy metal: Synergistic effect of Cu for catalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396: 125238. (中科院一区, 当年IF=13.273)

44.    Kung Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Zheng Hu, Feifan Zeng, Chengyu Chen, Xingjian Yang, Yongtao Li*. Bacterial community composition and function succession under aerobic and anaerobic conditions impacts the biodegradation of 17β-estradiol and its environmental risk. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267, 115155. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.071)

45.    Yonglin Liu, Yongdong Huang, Cong Zhang, Wenyan Li, Chengyu Chen, Zhen Zhang, Huayi Chen, Jinjin Wang, Yongtao Li*, Yulong Zhang*. Nano-FeS incorporated into stable lignin hydrogel: A novel strategy for cadmium removal from soil.Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264, 114739. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.071)

46.    Muwen Lu, Yaqi Lan, Jie Xiao, Mingyue Song, Chengyu Chen, Caowen Liang, Qingrong Huang, Yong Cao*, Chi-Tang Ho*. Capsaicin Ameliorates the Redox Imbalance and Glucose Metabolism Disorder in an Insulin-Resistance Model via Circadian Clock-Related Mechanisms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(36), 10089-10096. (中科院一区, 当年IF=4.192)

47.    Yin Zhong, Heli Wang, Zhiqiang Yu, Xinhua Geng, Chengyu Chen, Dan Li, Xifen Zhu, Huajun Zhen, Weilin Huang, Donna Fennell, Lily Young, Ping’an Peng*. Diastereoisomer-Specific Biotransformation of Hexabromocyclododecanes by a Mixed Culture Containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi Strain 195. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, 1713. (中科院二区, 当年IF=4.235)

48.    Dongqin Li, Jinjin Wang*, Zhendong Peng, Zheng Hu, Wenyan Li, Chengyu Chen, Yongtao Li, Yulong Zhang*. Adsorption of CdII by synthetic zeolite under multi-factor using response surface methodology. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 647, 129165. (中科院三区, 当年IF=5.518)

49.    Xiong Dai, Xingjian Yang*, Bihai Xie, Jiajia Jiao, Xiuping Jiang, Chengyu Chen, Zhen Zhang, Zhili He, Hang Lin, Weisong Chen, Yongtao Li*. Sorption and desorption of sex hormones in soil- and sediment-water systems: A review. Soil Ecology Letters, 2022, 4, 1-17.

50.    Zhen-dong Peng, Xue-ming Lin, Yu-long Zhang, Zheng Hu, Xing-jian Yang, Chengyu Chen, Hua-yi Chen, Yong-tao Li*, Jin-jin Wang*. Removal of cadmium from wastewater by magnetic zeolitesynthesized from natural, low-grade molybdenum. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 772, 145355. (中科院二区, 当年IF=10.753)

51.    Xingjian Yang#, Xinxing He#, Hang Lin, Xueming Lin, Juncheng Mo, Chengyu Chen, Xiong Dai, Dehua Liao, Chengzhen Gao, Yongtao Li*. Occurrence and distribution of natural and synthetic progestins, androgens, and estrogens in soils from agricultural production areas in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 751, 141766. (中科院二区, 当年IF=10.753)

52.    Zhen Zhang, Kun Zhang, He Ouyang, Marcus K.K. Li, Zifeng Luo, Yongtao Li, Chengyu Chen, Xingjian Yang, Zhiwei Shao, Dickson Y.S.Yan*. Simultaneous PAHs degradation, odour mitigation and energy harvesting by sediment microbial fuel cell coupled with nitrate-induced biostimulation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 284, 112045. (中科院二区, 当年IF=8.91)



1.        《中国环境科学》青年论坛,口头报告,分会场21,广州,2023/7/22;

2.        《中国环境科学》青年论坛,口头报告,分会场26,广州,2023/7/22;

3.        第四届全国(海洋)环境微塑料污染与管控学术研讨会,口头报告,上海,2023/6/5;

4.        第七届环境污染与健康会议,口头报告,西安,2023/5/16;

5.        首届粤港澳生态环境青年科学家论坛,口头报告,深圳南方科技大学,2023/5/13;

6.        第十六届全国水处理化学大会暨学术研讨会,口头报告,广州,2023/4/9;

7.        第一届Carbon Research大会,口头报告,分会场主持人,分会场总结,青年学术沙龙主持,广州,2023/3/26;

8.        2022年食品功能因子稳态增效递送技术与健康效应调控研讨会,口头报告,广州学院,2022/12/19;

9.        2022年美国ACS年会,口头报告,美国芝加哥,2022/8/24;

10.    第十一届全国环境化学大会,口头报告,哈尔滨,2022/7/27;

11.    低碳农业学术论坛,口头报告,广州学院,2022/6/30;

12.    第九届全国农业环境科学学术研讨会,口头报告,分会场主持人,广州,2021/10/29;

13.    第五届全国生物炭研究与应用研讨会,口头报告,广州,2021/10/17;

14.    第一届粤港澳大湾区环境生态青年博士论坛,特邀报告,北京师范大学珠海校区,2019/12/24;

15.    2019生态文明与土壤科学学术研讨会青年学者论坛,邀请报告,广州,2019/12/13;

16.    Environmental Science Seminar,口头报告,美国罗格斯大学,2016/12/8;

17.    Goldschmidt International Conference 2016, 口头报告,日本横滨,2016/6/26。



1.        教学改革项目

1)        2022年校级质量工程项目,全英课程,水污染物化处理工程,学院,2022/11-2025/09,在研、主持;

2)        学院2023年教学质量提升工程建设项目,学院教学竞赛选拔-《大气科学(双语)》,2022/10-2023/01,结题、主持;

3)        2018年第二批全英教学课程建设项目,水污染控制工程,学院,2018/05-2019/12,结题、主持;

4)        2018年第二批全英教学课程建设项目,环境毒理与评价,学院,2018/05-2019/12,结题、主持;

5)        2020-2021年度教学质量提升工程建设项目,环境科学与工程专业英语(全英文),bat365在线官网登录,结题、主持;

6)        基于提高培养质量的环境专业全英(/双语)课程体系构建,广东省学位与研究生教育改革研究项目,结题、参加;

7)        在线开放课程-水污染控制工程,学院2020年校级质量工程,结题、参加。

2.        学院教学课程

1)        本科生课程:《水污染物化处理工程(全英)》、《环境工程专业英语(全英)》、《水污染控制工程(双语)》、《大气科学(双语)》、《环境毒理与评价(双语)》、《环境工程与科学专业英语》、《环境工程原理》、《环境工程设计》、《工业水处理》、《环境工程学I》、《纳米科技与生活(公选)》、《土壤化学》、《环境科学综合实验I》、《专业整合实习I》;

2)        研究生课程:《农业资源与环境专业英语(全英)》、《英文科技论文阅读与写作(双语)》、《农业面源污染与生态治理技术》、《农业资源与环境研究进展(博士)》、《水处理技术进展》、《大气污染防治新技术》;

3)        学院全英课程:《水污染物化控制工程(全英)》、《环境毒理与评价(全英)》;

4)        学院慕课:《水污染控制工程》。

3.        学院其它教学活动:筹办bat365在线官网登录每周英语角活动。

4.        美国罗格斯大学教学经历

1)        承担本科生课程:Unit Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering I. Physicochemical、Analytical Environmental Chemistry Laboratory、Physical Principles in Environmental Science;

2)        承担研究生课程:Physicochemical Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems。



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