

性别:男 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 办公电话:15920300916 办公地址:资环楼1008办公室


2011.9-2016.12 华南理工大学/环境科学与工程专业,工学博士学位(1+4硕博连读)。
2015.9-2016.9  华盛顿大学/环境工程专业,联合培养博士。
2010.9-2011.6  华南理工大学环境与能源学院/环境工程专业,硕士(提前攻博)。
2006.9-2010.6  华南理工大学/环境科学专业,理学学士学位。


2016.12 - 至 今  学院/bat365在线官网登录,副教授


Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、CATENA、Process Biochemistry等环境和土壤主流期刊的审稿人






(2)国家青年科学基金项目:典型合成孕激素在农田-水体系中的光解-迁移机制(No. 41701345),2018-2020,26万,主持
(3)国家重点研发计划项目“农田重金属污染地球化学工程修复技术研发(No. 2017YFD0801000)”,课题四:基于微纳米矿物—重金属界面吸附反应的去除技术研发(No. 2017YFD0801004),2017-2020,57.60万元,主持
(6)国家重点研发计划项目“重点行业场地土壤复合污染过程及生态效应(No. SQ2019YFC180070)课题2:场地土壤复合污染过程及其与物化-生物耦合作用机制”,2020-2023,500万元,课题骨干
(7)NSFC-广东联合基金集成项目:赤红壤区耕地质量演变机理与提升机制(No. U1901601)课题4:赤红壤区耕地污染机理与质量影响机制,2020-2023,200万元,课题骨干
(8)国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤蚓触圈生境中合成孕激素吸附迁移与生物降解的强化耦合机制(No. 41877063),2019-2022,62万,参与(排名第二)
(9)国家重点研发计划项目“农田有毒有害化学/生物污染与防控机制研究(No. 2016YFD0800200)”,课题一:农业主产区有毒有害化学/生物污染物的农田污染特征与源解析(No. 2016YFD0800201),任务:黄淮海潮土区和珠三角地区设施菜地有毒有害化学/生物污染物的农田污染特征与源解析,2016-2020,217.91万元,参与
(10)国家重点研发计划“农田有毒有害化学/生物污染防控技术与产品研发(No. 2017YFD0800700)”,课题四:农田酞酸酯、抗生素和激素等污染的综合调控防治技术与产品研发(No. 2017YFD0800704),2017-2020。任务:基于土壤生物与生物电流强化的抗生素/激素生物降解技术研发,2017-2020,38.75万元,参与
(11)国家“十二五”863资源环境技术领域重大项目:“污染土壤修复技术及示范(一)”—课题“电子垃圾拆解场地重金属-有机污染物协同控制与生物修复技术与示范”(No. 2012AA06A203)-子课题“电子垃圾拆解场地重金属-有机物复合污染土壤同步洗脱去除技术研究”,2012-2015,参加(已结题)
(12)广东省自然科学杰出青年基金项目:电子垃圾拆解区稻田土壤中多溴联苯醚还原脱溴与矿化脱毒的过程耦合与调控机制(No. 2015A030306005),2015-2019,参加(已结题)
(13)广东省科技计划项目社会发展领域项目:电子垃圾拆解区重金属-有机物复合污染场地土壤同步洗脱修复技术研究(No. 2014A020216004),2015-2017,参加(已结题)
(15)广东省自然科学杰出青年基金项目:电子垃圾拆解区稻田土壤中多溴联苯醚还原脱溴与矿化脱毒的过程耦合与调控机制(No. 2015A030306005),2015-2019,参加(已结题)


(1)Huayi Chen1, Xingjian Yang1, Yonglin Liu, Xueming Lin, Jinjin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Na Li, Yongtao Li, Yulong Zhang*, KOH modification effectively enhances the Cd and Pb adsorption performance of N-enriched biochar derived from waste chicken feathers, Waste Management, 2021, 130, 82-92.(中科院2区)
(2)Yonglin Liu, Huayi Chen, Qiming Mo, Xingjian Yang, Jinjin Wang, Xueming Lin, Dongfang Shang, Yongtao Li*, Yulong Zhang*, Removal of cadmium and tetracycline by lignin hydrogels loaded with nano-FeS: Nanoparticle size control and content calculation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416, 126262.(中科院1区).
(3)Xueming Lin1, Xingjian Yang1, Zheng Hu, Yulong Zhang, Jinjin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Zhongqiu Zhao, Yongtao Li*, Highly effective removal of bisphenol A by greigite/persulfate in spiked soil: Heterogeneous soil/water system balance and degradation, Chemosphere, 2021, 280, 130655. (中科院2区).
(4)Zhen Zhang, Kun Zhang, He Ouyang, Marcus K.K. Li, Zifeng Luo, Yongtao Li, Chengyu Chen, Xingjian Yang, Zhiwei Shao, Dickson Y.S. Yan, Simultaneous PAHs degradation, odour mitigation and energy harvesting by sediment microbial fuel cell coupled with nitrate-induced biostimulation, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 284, 112045.(中科院2区).
(5)Xiong Dai1, Xingjian Yang*,1, Bihai Xie, Jiajia Jiao, Xiuping Jiang, Chengyu Chen, Zhen Zhang, Zhili He, Hang Lin, Weisong Chen, Yongtao Li*, Sorption and desorption of sex hormones in soil- and sediment-water systems: A review, Soil Ecology Letters, 2021,中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划)
(6)Xingjian Yang*,1, Xinxing He1, Hang Lin, Xueming Lin, Juncheng Mo, Chengyu Chen, Xiong Dai, Dehua Liao, Chengzhen Gao, Yongtao Li*, Occurrence and distribution of natural and synthetic progestins, androgens, and estrogens in soils from agricultural production areas in China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 751, 141766. (中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(7)Jing Li, Xingjian Yang, Zhen Zhang, Harry Xiao, Weimin Sun, Weilin Huang, Yongtao Li, Chengyu Chen*, Yan Sun, Aggregation kinetics of diesel soot nanoparticles in artificial and human sweat solutions: Effects of sweat constituents, pH, and temperature, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403, 123614.(中科院1区top期刊).
(8)Xingjian Yang*, Hang Lin1, Xiong Dai, Zhen Zhang, Beini Gong, Zheng Hu, Xiuping Jiang, Yongtao Li*, Sorption, transport, and transformation of natural and synthetic progestins in soil-water systems, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384, 121482.(中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(9)Xinxing He, Xiaobo Li, Tao Liu, Xingjian Yang, Jianbo Cao, Libin Tao, Xiaoling Wang, Zhanfeng Liu, Qing Yao, Yongtao Li, Xiaoming Zou, Yuanhu Shao, Jianxiong Li, Weixin Zhang, Shenglei Fu*, Earthworms negate the adverse effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae on living bacterial biomass and bacterial necromass accumulation in a subtropical soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 151, 108052.(中科院1区top期刊).
(10)Kun Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Zheng Hu, Feifan Zeng, Chengyu Chen, Xingjian Yang, Yongtao Li*, Bacterial community composition and function succession under aerobic and anaerobic conditions impacts the biodegradation of 17β-estradiol and its environmental risk, 2020, 267, 115155.(中科院1区)
(11)Xingjian Yang1,⁎, Xiong Dai1, Yulong Zhang, Hang Lin, Jinjin Wang, Zhili He, Yongtao Li⁎, Sorption, desorption, and transformation of synthetic progestins in soil and sediment systems,Geoderma, 362 (2020), 114141. (中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(12)Xingjian Yang1,*, Hang Lin1, Yulong Zhang, Zhili He, Xiong Dai, Zhen Zhang, Yongtao Li*, Sorption and desorption of seven steroidal synthetic progestins in five agricultural soil-water systems, Ecotoxicity and Environmental Safety, 2020, 196, 110586.(中科院2区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(13)Xingjian Yang, Haoqi Zhao, David. M. Cwiertny, Edward. P. Kolodziej*, Sorption and transport of trenbolone and altrenogest photoproducts in soil-water systems, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2019, 21, 1650-1663.(JCRQ1,中科院3区期刊,期刊封面论文)
(14)Philip. T. Kenyon, Haoqi Zhao, Xingjian Yang, Christopher Wu, David. M. Cwiertny, Edward. P. Kolodziej*, Detection and quantification of metastable photoproducts of trenbolone and altrenogest using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1603, 150-159.(中科院2区期刊,JCRQ1)
(15)Zhen Zhang, Shuran He, Yulong Zhang, Kun Zhang, Jinjin Wang, Ranjing, Xingjian Yang, Zheng Hu, Xiaojing Lin, Yongtao Li*, Spectroscopic investigation of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ adsorption behaviors by chitosan-coated argillaceous limestone: Competition and mechanisms, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 254, 112938.(中科院2区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(16)Kun Zhang, Zheng Hu, Feifan Zeng, Xingjian Yang, Jinjin Wang, Ran Jing, Huanni Zhang, Yongtao Li*, Zhen Zhang*, Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons and changes in microbial community structure in sediment under nitrate-, ferric-, sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 249, 109425.(中科院2区期刊,JCRQ1)
(17)Xingjian Yang, Guining Lu*, Kaibo Huang, Rui Wang, Xingchun Duan, Chen Yang, Hua Yin, Zhi Dang*, Synergistic solubilization of low-brominated diphenyl ether mixtures in nonionic surfactant micelles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223: 252-260.(中科院2区期刊,JCRQ1)
(18)Xingjian Yang, Guining Lu*, Rui Wang, Yingying Xie, Chuling Guo, Xiaoyun Yi, Zhi Dang*, Competitive solubilization of 4’4′-dibromodiphenyl ether, naphthalene, and pyrene mixtures in Triton X series surfactant micelles: the effect of hydrophilic chains, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 274: 84-93. (中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(19)Xingjian Yang, Guining Lu*, Bojia She, Xujun Liang, Rongrong Yin, Chuling Guo, Xiaoyun Yi, Zhi Dang*, Cosolubilization of 4’4′-dibromodiphenyl ether, naphthalene and pyrene mixtures in various surfactant micelles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 260: 74-82. (中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(20)Xingjian Yang, Guining Lu*, Rui Wang, Chuling Guo, Hongliang Zhang, zhi Dang*, Solubilization of 4’4′-dibromodiphenyl ether under combined TX-100 and cosolvents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 3856-3864. (JCRQ2)
(21)Xingjian Yang, Zhi Dang, Fangli Zhang, Mengyao Zou, Xueqin Tao, Guining Lu*, Determination of Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether in Soils by Soxhlet Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography, The Scientific World Journal, 2013, Article ID: 840376.
(22)Rui Wang, Huafeng Li, Xueqin Tao, Ting Tang, Haozhong Lin, Kaibo Huang, Zhiyi Zhong, Xingjian Yang, Zhi Dang, Hua Yin, Guining Lu*, Photodebromination behaviors of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in methanol/water systems: mechanisms and predicting descriptors, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595: 666-672. (中科院1区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(23)Rui Wang, Guining Lu*, Haozhong Lin, Kaibo Huang, Ting Tang, Xiuling Xue, Xingjian Yang, Hua Yin, Zhi Dang*, Relative roles of H-atom transfer and electron transfer in the debromination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers by palladized nanoscale zerovalent iron, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 222: 331-337. (中科院2区Top期刊,JCRQ1)
(24)Binglu Deng, Xingqiu Zhou*, Xingjian Yang, Zhi Dang, Guining Lu*. Removal of polychlorinated biphenyls and recycling of tween-80 in soil washing eluents, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 64: 109-117. (JCRQ2)
(25)Fangli Zhang, Xingjian Yang, Xiulin Xue, Xueqin Tao, Guining Lu*, Zhi Dang, Estimation of n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients (log) of Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Using Quantum Chemical Descriptors and Partial Least Squares, Journal of Chemistry, 2013, Article ID: 740548.
  (27)王进进, 杨行健, 胡峥, 张玉龙, 徐会娟, 李永涛. 基于风险等级的重金属污染耕地土壤修复技术集成体系研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2019, 38(2): 249-256.

(1)一种纳米FeS颗粒复合材料及其制备方法与应用(2019),201911411300.8,张玉龙, 柯美国,李永涛, 刘永林,杨行健,王进进,姚波;申请日2019.12.31。(排名第五)
(2)一种可漂浮FeS-木质素水凝胶纳米复合材料及其制法与应用(2019),201911085203.4,李永涛, 张玉龙, 刘永林,徐会娟,林学明,杨行健,王进进,李文彦,郭桂芳;申请日2019.11.8。(排名第六)
(3)一种去除土壤中多溴联苯醚的淋洗剂及制备方法和应用,201410566929.0,卢桂宁, 杨行健, 党志, 郭楚玲, 易筱筠, 杨琛;申请日: 2014-10-22。

(2)著作:广东节能环保产业及促进政策研究. 刘利, 伍健东, 党志/编著(杨行健为编委成员). —广州: 华南理工大学出版社, 2014-04. ISBN: 978-7-5623-4136-9.
(3)著作:环境科学与工程通识教程. 卢桂宁, 党志/编著(杨行健为编委成员). —北京: 科学出版社, 2017-06, ISBN: 978-7-03-053655-6.

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