Kevin Jones visited SCAU

update: 2017-06-19     editor: user

On June 17th 2017 the distinguished professor Kevin Jones from Lancaster Environment Centre visited South China Agricultural University (SCAU). Kevin has been dedicated on building up collaborations between Lancaster University (LU) and research institutes from China for many years. In June 2016, LU, SCAU and Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry (GIGCAS) signed the trilateral agreement for setting up the Joint Institute for Environmental Research and Education (JIE) which is located in the campus of SCAU.


This time Kevin Jones met and discussed with Professor Yongtao Li, the deputy dean of College of Natural Resources and Environment of SCAU and Professor Gan Zhang, the deputy director of Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry (GIGCAS). Yongtao Li indicated JIE has been strongly supported by SCAU in respective of the recruitment, laboratory, finance and operation. The three parties will work on applying for research projects to make sure the research work for JIE continue smoothly. Gan Zhang illustrated the concept of small physical center and big virtual center. 1-2 professional laboratories are built on base of the physical center of JIE and the laboratories outside the physical center in LU,GIG and SCAU will also be research platform for JIE. Collaborations will not be limited to researchers working in the physical center but will be broadened to bilateral collaboration outside the physical center. JIE will be a platform for knowledge and talents. Three parties agreed to build JIE an international high quality research and education center.


Discussing for the concept of small physical center and big virtual center


Group photo for the meeting

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