Professor Shiming Luo of our college won the first "outstanding contribution award of Chinese society of ecology"

update: 2019-12-12     editor: Bo Li

Professor Shiming Luo of our college won the first outstanding contribution award of Chinese society of ecology

Author: Wei Hui  photo: Liu Ziqiang  Date: 12.12.2019


From November 28 to December 1, 2019, the 18th China Ecology Congress hosted by Yunnan University in Kunming, Yunnan Province. More than 3200 experts, scholars, and graduate students from all over the country, the United States, Canada, and South Korea attended the conference. Professor Luo Shiming, Professor Zhang Jiaen, and their 5 students from the department of ecology of our school participated in the conference.

Professor Shiming Luo won the first outstanding contribution award of Chinese ecological society

 This conference coincides with the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese society of ecology. The 40th anniversary of the society was commemorated at the opening ceremony, with the Ma Shijun award of ecological science achievement  and outstanding contribution award of the Chinese society of ecology were awarded.The two awards recognize ecological scientists who have made significant contributions to the theory and application of ecology and scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the society. Professor Luo Shiming won the first outstanding contribution award of Chinese ecological society.


At the annual conference, Resources and Environment college Professor Luo Shiming and Professor Zhang Jiaen made speeches of Definition of Ecological Agriculture and Rural Revitalization - Mission and Responsibility of Agricultural Ecology respectively at the branch venue of Rural Revitalization and Agricultural Ecology. The two professors published new concepts, new ideas on ecological agriculture and the strategy of Rural Revitalization.

 Also, associate professor Wei Hui presented an academic report entitled effects of acid rain on the release of elements and microbial community during the decomposition of litters in the branch of “control experiment and global change”, and shared the latest research progress in this field with counterparts. Besides, Liu Ziqiang, a postgraduate student, made an academic report entitled the impact of simulated acid rain on CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions and related functional microbial communities of farmland soil in the branch of microbial ecology, stable isotope ecology and ecosystem nitrogen cycle in the context of global change  of the National Ecology Graduate Forum.

 Teachers and students of our college give academic reports in the branch venue

 This conference has set up a display platform for all kinds of achievements. It is another high-level and large-scale academic conference in the field of ecology in China.

 Participants of ecology in our college.



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